Performance & Transformation Coach, Shaman

The journey into and through the teenage years can be a minefield for some. Each generation is faced with a new set of challenges to deal with.
Social media, heightened exam pressures and the ever present peer pressure and bullying. Couple that with the fight for independence and an inability to express themselves with what’s going internally and you’ve a nice recipe for frustration, confusion and strained relationships!
It’s not uncommon for teens to be highly self-conscious, confused and worried.
There are many challenges throughout the teenage years to navigate.
With the right tools, strategies and guidance it’s not only possible to overcome them but to grow from them. If you’re a parent and you’re reading this remember one of the most important needs as humans is to feel heard.
This is where I come in. As an outside party and a former teenager (albeit a while ago) I have the insight of what the inner struggle is like and more importantly how to resolve it.
One of the most important things for children and teenagers as I see it is how to take control of their mind and get comfortable in connecting with their heart.
Otherwise emotional and mental overwhelm can contribute towards behavioural change, low self- esteem, anxiety, perfectionism, poor concentration and in some cases suicidal ideation.
When working with teenagers I always work closely with the parent/guardian as well.
Some of the areas I have successfully worked with are
Peer pressure
Exam stress
Struggle for independence
Communicating clearly
Body issues
Behaviour & Developmental issues
How many sessions do you recommend?When working with children and teenagers for offer a 3 session programme. I found this to be beneficial in creating and anchoring in the desired change. There are circumstances where the child will benefit from further sessions but that is advised on an individual basis.
How long are sessions?Allow up to 60 mins for sessions
Do parent/guardians need to be present?For all children under 18 attending in person I require a parent of guardian to attend. For online sessions written consent is required for teenagers 16 and above. Parents/guardians are welcome to join online sessions.
What happens during a session?For in person sessions we first clarify primary reason for attending. As I provide an integrative approach I may work through the physical body using specific techniques to recalibrate and release stress in nervous system ( craniosacral, kinesiology, PRRT) alongside coaching and psychotherapeutic techniques. For online sessions primarily coaching, psychotherapy, NLP and hypnosis will be used when appropriate.
What should I expect for my child post session?Each session is acts catalyst to bring the nervous system back into balance. In some cases it may appear initially that presenting symptoms and behaviours are worsening. However this is generally that bodies way of releasing stored physical, emotional and mental stress – this is a good thing in the long run!
I’m not sure if you can help my child, how can I find out?Simple fill out contact form below/(whatsapp) and we’ll set up a clarity call to ensure if or how I can help your child.
I’m a stressed out parent – can you help?Yes, it is always beneficial when a parent/guardian engages in their own personal growth especially when there may be issues arising for you child. How you process your stress has a great impact on how you relate and engage with stressful situations, particularly within the family. You can find out more here if you wish to go on your own growth journey
How much is it to attend?Three session programme is €300 – payment plan available One off session is €120